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The Future of VHF Radio Communications​


​The Future of VHF Radio Communications​

Future of Flight Data Exchange
The Future of VHF Radio Communications

22/11/2022 13:00-14:00

In the ever-changing ATC environment, there has been a core technology with little variations in time - VHF AM Radio Communications. Addressing demanding operational and technical requirements to support growth and multi-services delivery to the controllers, under the safety and cybersecurity challenges, the VHF AM Radio Communications started a smooth transition, from augmenting the current technology to full-blown evolution. Where are the VHF AM Radio Communications now, what are the challenges ANSPs are facing, how to ensure that future readiness technologies ae implemented in the safest ways, where the VHF AM Radio Communications will be in 20 years from now, who are the champions of change? There are some of the questions our speakers will answer during the "The Future of VHF Radio Communications" session. The answers will provide a holistic view, covering both the operational, scientific and industry prespectives.


Mr Aureliu Martin
(Manager ATC Sales)

Professor Fahar G. M. Hayati

Anas Hamed
​(Senior Technician ANS Engineering)



