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Director General Message

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Director General Message​​

With the successful completion of 201​4–16 Strategic Plan and of the implementation of changes brought on through the Organizational Transformation Program introduced in 2010, we are confident that the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority’s contribution to the aviation sector will meet all expectations and we will continue to enjoy our stakeholders’ trust for being an effective organisation producing better results for aviation safety, security and, ultimately, for the nation’s economy. This Strategic Plan 2017–21 sets out how we plan to achieve our vision to become one of the leading, safe and secure civil aviation systems.

This Plan is developed through rigorous internal and external consultation and analysis (PESTL, SWOT and Brainstorming Workshops) to determine how well we did to reach where we are today, what helped, where were the challenges and the business environment outlook for the future. The organization’s internal and external climate demanded a revision of the GCAA’s Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Objectives to ensure that the organization remained on course to achieve its Vision.

The 2017–2021 Cycle will see the continuation of our previous strategy of enhancing compliance through creation of awareness, risk based audits, improvement of services through stakeholder engagement, global connectivity through continuous consultations, negotiations and enhancements in our infrastructure. We have committed ourselves to incorporate the Federal Govt.’s initiatives related to 7 Star Services and Reading. We will continue to maintain our focus on organizational sustainability and performance underpinned by a strong focus on people, services and processes enabled through development and empowered with innovation.

We recognise that our success is the result of hard work and commitment of our dedicated staff, which is well supported by the productive partnerships with the national and international aviation industry stakeholders.

Saif Mohammed Al Suwaidi

Director General – UAE General Civil Aviation Authority

Profile Information:

H. E. Saif Mohammed Al-Suwaidi
United Arab Emirates
Director General of General Civil Aviation Authority of United Arab Emirates
Education Info
Bachelor Degree in Law, Master in Military science
Personal Information
Married and has 2 sons and 2 daughters
Facebook Link
Contact Details
DG’s Office – Abu Dhabi
Tel. 00971 2 4054483
Fax 00971 2 4054485
P.O. Box: 6558

DG’s Office – Dubai
Tel. 00971 4 2111556
Fax 00971 4 2826336
P.O. Box 30500
